Introduction example Vol.1 “Inspection Control System„
Revolution of Inspection Management “Dramatic Changes through Coordination with DPA Mass Wiping of Problem Points„
Articles from the June 15th, 2015 edition of the JAPAN SEWING MACHINE TIMES
A buyer whose job is placing orders to sewing factories, upon seeing a work method at a particular sewing factory that he had never seen before, expressed a statement of awe. Before sewn items can be shipped out from sewing factories, there are numerous strict steps within the “inspection process” to check whether the sewn clothes have been fabricated in accordance with the instruction sheet, or if there are any damages, broken ends, missing stitches, deformations, dirtiness, etc. There are some companies that station their own inspection staff, and others that station specialized inspection company staff to conduct thorough and strict inspections. This illustrates how the final “inspection process” directly relates to company trust, and how the inspection job is one of the most integral jobs to sewing factories precisely because it can affect company operations. When the aforementioned buyer observed something he ’d never seen before– namely, an inspection staff diligently operating a tablet PC while inspecting the sewn items– he inquired:
No Inspection Sheet Necessary Instantaneous Work Via Tablet
“What’s that you’re doing…?”
Thus far, and even now, the inspection process for a majority of sewing factories involves the placement of a sheet of paper with detailed check items written on it (an inspection sheet) near the inspection staff, on which inspection staff make check marks with pen for each individual item. Depending on the sewn item’s type, size, or color variation, the amount of those sheets could rise to a massive number within the unit of a day or a month. The worst case scenario is dirtying or damaging the item with a pen during recording work. So, when the buyer saw that inspection processes were being conducted on a tablet PC instead of the traditional paper-and-pen checks that had become such common knowledge, he recounts that for a few moments, he ’d been riveted to the spot. Then an inspection result was being collected in real-time, and swift reports were being made by item number, size, and line. The monitor installed on-site made it possible to see information such as defective items and repair spots, which subsequently raised unconscious awareness in sewing line operators.
“I’ve never seen a sewing factory that is so particular about inspections. I want to raise them 2 ranks higher on the scale…”
Gaining an understanding of problem points that are recorded on exorbitant amounts of paper takes an equally exorbitant amount of time. This goes doubly for work that involves each inspection staff collecting these exorbitant papers and consolidating them into one Excel file. And while this is going on, the sewing line keeps moving regardless of whether or not there are changes in the product. It is necessary to swiftly identify information regarding problems, and bring to light whether or not these problems are a result of factory equipment, skills of the operator, or the biggest weakness in factories: the sewing process that has become fixed through time.
This is important, because it is not an exaggeration to say that the final “inspection process” is an aggregation of all the elements that could affect factory quality.
Pegasus Sewing Machine Manufacturing presented, for the first time on February of this year at the Osaka Sewing Machine Show, their software “ICS (Inspection Control System)”, which is a program that made strides in the inspection process. Pegasus Sewing Machine Manufacturing now employs 4 types of factory support software.
And at their booth at this show, visitors who attended the ICS information section pointed out in succession how the software was highly compatible with DPA (Digital Process Analysis system). The ICS sheds light on defective spots, and the DPA works on improving them. The combination of the ICS and the DPA should be able to secure factory acclaim as one of the most powerful factories in both international and domestic spheres.